Every component in your computer is important, complex, and has more specifications than most folks are familiar with. Your RAM, or Random Access Memory, is no exception to this. Generally, people know that “more RAM is better,” but that’s not the extent of it. It’s also not always accurate. Let’s take a look at what you need to know about choosing the right RAM for your PC.
How to Upgrading laptop Memory RAM, DRAM, DIMM, SO-DRAM, DDR, DDR2 are all memory components. Which will yours have? Unknown, manufactures are always improving their products, laptop manufactures are no different. If the manual that came with the laptop doesn’t have the memory type and part number in it you can go to the manufactures web site and find the information by searching with the model number. Another way to do it is to go to one of the most use full web sites for memory that I know Kingston. You put in your computer make and model and vila’ you have the type of ram installed in your computer, you also get a list of upgrades compatible to your computer, neat!
So you suspect that you are having a problem with the memory in the laptop. It is very slow, you get an error when it starts, it crashes or locks up frequently, and you have narrowed the cause down to a memory module. How to find the memory, this to is an unknown. The memory modules could be under the keyboard yup IBM, Dell, and Acer do this), under the hard drive or in a very logical place under a small panel on the bottom side of the computer.
module into the slot (seen that, not pretty and not cheap), if it doesn’t slide into the slot
turn it around. If it still doesn’t fit you have the wrong module return it for the correct
A college (a guy I worked with) had two laptops; same make, same model but different revisions. One was a little under a year older. The newer one had a failed motherboard and was being returned to the manufacture for repair. My colleague decided to take the 512 meg module from the newer computer and put it in the older computer. Not checking the web site for compatibility he fried the memory module and the motherboard. Now he has two dead systems. So research will save you some money and grief.