When you work on a computer, it is possible to harm both the computer and yourself. The most common accident that happens when attempting to fix a computer problem is erasing software or data. Experimenting without knowing what you are doing can cause damage. Computer repair Miami to prevent these sorts of accidents, as well as the physically dangerous ones, take a few safety precautions. The text below describes the potential sources of damage and danger and how to protect against them. To protect both yourself and the equipment when working inside a computer, turn off the power, unplug the computer, press the power button to drain residual power, and always use a grounding bracelet as described in Chapter 4. Consider the monitor and the power supply to be “black boxes.” Never remove the cover or put your hands inside this equipment unless you know about the hazards of charged capacitors. Both the power supply and the monitor can hold a dangerous level of electricity even after they are turned off and disconnected from a power source.
To protect the computer against electrostatic discharge (ESD), commonly known as static electricity, always ground yourself before touching electronic components, including the hard drive, motherboard, expansion cards, processors, and memory modules. Ground your- self and the computer parts, using one or more of the following static control devices or methods. Ground bracelet or static strap: A ground bracelet is a strap you wear around your wrist. To protect components against ESD, the other end is attached to a grounded conductor such as the computer case or a ground mat. Ground mats: Ground mats can come equipped with a cord to plug into a wall outlet to provide a grounded surface on which to work. Remember, if you lift the component off the mat, it is no longer grounded and is susceptible to ESD.
Static shielding bags, new components come shipped in static shielding bags. Save the bags to store other devices that are not currently installed in a PC. The best solution to protect against ESD is to use a ground bracelet together with a ground mat. Consider a ground bracelet to be essential equipment when working on a computer. However, if you find yourself in a situation without one, touch the computer case before you touch a component. When passing a chip to another person, touch the other person first so that ESD is discharged between you and the other person before you pass the chip. Leave components inside their protective bags until ready to use. Work on hard floors, not carpet or use anti static spray on the carpets. Generally, don’t work on a computer if you or the computer have just come inside from the cold. For today’s computers, always unplug the power cord before working inside a computer.
Even though the power switch is turned off, know that power is still getting to the system when the computer is plugged in. After you’ve unplugged the power, press the power button to drain the system of power. Then and only then is it safe to open the case without concern for damaging a component. And don’t forget to use that ground bracelet. There is an exception to the ground-yourself rule. Inside a monitor case, laser printer, or power supply, there is substantial danger posed by the electricity stored in capacitors. When working inside these devices, you don’t want to be grounded, as you would provide a conduit for the voltage to discharge through your body. In this situation, be careful not to ground yourself. When handling motherboards and expansion cards, don’t touch the chips on the boards. Don’t stack boards on top of each other, which could accidentally dislodge a chip. Hold cards by the edges, but don’t touch the edge connections on the card.
Don’t touch a chip with a magnetized screwdriver. Computer repair Miami when using a multi meter to measure electricity, be careful not to touch a chip with the probes. When changing DIP switches, don’t use a graphite pencil, because graphite conducts electricity; a very small screwdriver works very well. After you unpack a new device or software that has been wrapped in cellophane, remove the cellophane from the work area quickly. Don’t allow anyone who is not properly grounded to touch components. Do not store expansion cards within one foot of a monitor, because the monitor can discharge as much as 29,000 volts of ESD onto the screen. Hold an expansion card by the edges. Don’t touch any of the soldered components on a card. If you need to put an electronic device down, place it on a grounded mat, inside a static shielding bag, or on a flat, hard surface. Keep components away from your hair and clothing. Always turn off a computer before moving it, to protect the hard drive, which might be spinning.
Never jar a computer while the hard disk is running. Avoid placing a PC on the floor, where the user can accidentally kick it. To keep a computer well ventilated and cool, don’t place it on thick carpet. Follow the usual precautions to protect CD, DVD, and Blu-ray discs. Keep optical discs away from heat, direct sunlight, and extreme cold, and protect them from scratches. Treat discs with care and they’ll generally last for years. Most organizations today depend on computers and information technology to improve business processes, productivity, and efficiency. Opportunities to become global organizations and reach customers, businesses, and suppliers are a direct result of the widespread use of the Internet. Changing technology further changes how companies do business.